Submissions for Black Satellite
Black Satellite is closed to submissions
until December 31, 2009
Black Satellite (BS) seeks submissions of startling/terrifying
science fiction, some weird horror, and original artwork. No
vampires, no gothic horror, no ghost stories, and no slipstream.
NOTE: Currently overstocked on weird horror.
I want character driven stories that leave an image in the
reader's mind long after finishing the story. I want stories
with a beginning, a middle, and an ending. In other words,
a plot. No mood pieces. No cliches. Show me that you can
be original or at least concoct a new twist on a familiar
theme. I am particularly interested in seeing cross genre
stories. Think along the lines of "The Outer Limits", "The
Twilight Zone", the Alien movies, or even the old magazine
"Argonaut". My favorite writers include Al Manachino, Tim
Curran, and many others.
BS is published two times per
year. The typical length for fiction submissions is between
1000 and 5000 words, prefer about 3000 to 4000 words. Please
query for anything longer than 5000 words. Poetry submissions
are okay but must not be longer than about 30 lines, as they are
used only as filler. Typical response time is about 8 to 16 weeks.
Submissions for Mythos Collector
Collector is also closed to submissions
until December 31, 2009, but do have special need for Clark Ashton
Smith material, please query.
Mythos Collector (MC) seeks articles about collecting material
related to H.P. Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos; including
comics, games, books, movies, etc. Also seeking reviews of
new and old books, videos, comics, just about anything
Lovecraft related. Seeking interviews with Mythos writers,
artists, critics, editors, publishers, etc. MC publishes
two or three Mythos stories per issue, and some poetry as well.
MC also publishes original artwork, preferably pen/ink drawings.
Any submitted Mythos fiction should attempt to get
away from being simply a pastiche of Lovecraft. Set
the story in the modern world, or in the future, or
any other cross genre mode. Concentrate on telling
a good story with real characters, then let the
Mythos elements shine through.
MC is published two times per year.
The typical length for
either fiction or non-fiction submissions is between 1000 and 5000
words, prefer about 3000 words. Please query for anything longer
than 5000 words. Poetry submissions should not be
longer than about 30 lines, prefer humorous or vivid
imagery. Typical response time is about 8 to 16 weeks.
Submission Tips
Check out these tips for submitting
to Dark Tree Press.
Submissions for Chapbooks
Dark Tree Tales, anthology of original fiction,
guidelines are here.
Dark Tree Tales is now closed to submissions,
and now pending publication.
Payment for fiction or non-fiction
submissions is 1 contributor copy. Payment for poetry submissions
is 1 contributor copy. Payment for artwork is $10 plus 1 copy for a
cover illustration or 1 contributor copy for any number of interior
illustrations. Dark Tree Press buys First North American Serial
Rights. All rights revert to the author/artist upon publication.
Manuscript Guidelines
Electronic submissions of manuscripts
is now PREFERRED, but must follow some simple rules. Electronic
submissions must be in the form of an email attachment. The attachment
must be as an RTF file (Rich Text Format), no other document format
will be accepted. Submitting in the body of the email is no longer
accepted. The attached RTF file must look like a normal manuscript
when printed out (1 inch margins, single sided, etc, see below),
otherwise I will reject it immediately. Your current email address
(name and address also) must be on the first page of the attached
RTF file, if missing I will reject the submission immediately.
Please include a brief bio and publishing credits, if any, in the
body of the email message.
Snail mailed submissions will be accepted only after submitting a query.
Manuscripts should be submitted on 8.5" x 11" white paper with
at least 1-inch margins on all four sides. Manuscripts must be
single sided only, and should be double-spaced. Manuscripts
can be either typewritten or printed via laser printer or inkjet
printer in black ink only. Please use a mono-spaced font such
as Courier. Hand written submissions will not be read.
The author's name, postal address and email address must appear in
the top left corner of the first page. The approximate number of words
must appear in the top right corner of the first page. Title and
author's byline should appear about halfway down the first page.
Please include cover letter indicating which magazine you are
submitting to. Also include brief bio and list publishing
credits if any, word count and email address. Please no
simultaneous submissions, and no multiple submissions. Poems
may be submitted in batches of up to 5 poems per batch.
All submissions must be accompanied by a #10 SASE for our reply,
otherwise the submission will not be read. If you'd rather receive
a reply via email, please mention so in your cover letter. Please
send only disposable copies. Please ensure that you keep us
up to date with any postal or email address changes.
Artwork Guidelines
Artwork submissions must be in the form of black and white
drawings preferably in ink (no gray scale). Interesting subject
matter would be horrific creatures, sci-fi images, and occasional
sample comic book panels. Subject matter should be consistent
with the publication.
Please include cover letter indicating which magazine you are
submitting to. Also include brief bio and list publishing
credits if any, word count and email address. I prefer seeing
samples over getting an URL to your website. Note that I rarely
assign artwork.
Artwork should be submitted as photocopies. Originals should
be between 4x6 inches and 8x11 inches and prefer ink over pencil
as pen&ink drawings reproduce better. Always interested in
working with beginners (and old timers as well). Electronic
submissions of artwork are not accepted until after we have agreed
to publish the submitted work.
Where to send submissions?
Please send all editorial material to:
Brian Lingard
Dark Tree Press
P.O. Box 748
Boylston, MA 01505-0748
(for queries and submissions to all publications, delete NO and SPAM)